adrevu.com was born on 7th-Jan-2010, completing 13 successful years and is a free classified, yellowpages, local classifieds, business listing, product promotion website This site is intended for the users who wish to know about the available classifieds, yellowpagages, products, companies, services etc... This is one stop place for such users. The aim is to make this as one stop website for all classifieds and yellowpages.
We are also "the Internet Affiliate" and a a fast growing coupon/deals/offers platform offering the latest discount, offers and deals information and a great bridge between retailers and shoppers, Our network of sites routinely contains third-party advertising and links to external third-party websites. Some of those links are affiliated, which is to say, some deals involve products or services sold by merchants that have affiliate programs.
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If you purchase products or services through affiliate links, we might receive \“affiliate commissions\”. we are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidance. Whether you use the link or buy the product is entirely up to you.
we have not received any free products from these affiliates as of yet or anything else in exchange for mentioning them on the website. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions and that is not the case for all links.
By providing advertising and links to other sites, we do not guarantee, approve, or endorse the information or products available at these sites, nor does a link or advertising indicate any association with, or endorsement by, the linked sites to our website. We have no control over and makes no warranty or guarantee regarding the quality, morality, usability, safety, or legality of any aspect of the items listed, the truth or accuracy of the listings or the ability of sellers to sell items or honor their coupons or promotions. You are assumed responsible for learning what restrictions apply to each offer, deal, coupon or promotion.
If you have any questions on the above information, please feel free to contact us. |